
Book Launch Event

frontend.im_anschluss_x. Ibrahim Arslan, Jasper Kettner and Heike Kleffner



The Cultural and Historical Relations between Greece and Turkey

Curated by Pegah Keshmirshekan and Umut Azad Akkel


A Mobile Job Market for the Neighbourhood

frontend.im_anschluss_x. Çağın Kaya and Uygar Demoğlu

Animations from the Mobile Language Lab

frontend.im_anschluss_x. Julia Kapelle


frontend.im_anschluss_x. Caspar Pauli, Birgit Auf der Lauer and KABA HAT


frontend.im_anschluss_x. Catriona Shaw and Malve Lippmann


frontend.im_anschluss_x. Eleftheria Gavriilidou


Despite the onset of winter, a pop-up garden is thriving inside bi’bak. Eleftheria Gavriilidou, founder of the KIPOS 3 urban gardening project in Thessaloniki and bi'bak's fellow of the START programme for cultural managers from Greece, has created the installation A Diverse Landscape. The work presents the diversity of urban gardening projects in Berlin, their protagonists and the form they give to the modern meaning of “paradise”, community building, and citizenship.

A Diverse Landscape is an exploration of the interactions between the urban territory and the multiple actors that are inscribed on it, become familiar with it, envision and transform it, to create identity, a sense of place and belonging. More than a documentation of the diverse mechanisms through which a city deals with its challenges, A Diverse Landscape captures like the lens of an urban flâneur the imprints of this process in space and time.

The project is supported by START – Create Cultural Change, a program of the Robert Bosch Stiftung, is conducted in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki and the German Association of Sociocultural Centers.

Eleftheria Gavriilidou studied at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She works as an Architect and Landscape Architect. She was a START fellow at bi'bak in Berlin in 2016. Since 2014 she has run the project Kipos 3: City as a Resource, and so has been designing, creating and managing the first urban community garden in the Municipality of Thessaloniki.