
Book Launch Event

frontend.im_anschluss_x. Ibrahim Arslan, Jasper Kettner and Heike Kleffner



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Curated by Pegah Keshmirshekan and Umut Azad Akkel


A Mobile Job Market for the Neighbourhood

frontend.im_anschluss_x. Çağın Kaya and Uygar Demoğlu

Animations from the Mobile Language Lab

frontend.im_anschluss_x. Julia Kapelle


frontend.im_anschluss_x. Caspar Pauli, Birgit Auf der Lauer and KABA HAT


frontend.im_anschluss_x. Catriona Shaw and Malve Lippmann


Book Launch Event

frontend.im_anschluss_x. Ibrahim Arslan, Jasper Kettner and Heike Kleffner

The Relatives

According to the Federal Government, 83 people have been killed by right-wing violence in Germany since 1990. Journalists from Zeit Online and Tagesspiegel have documented 169 fatalities and 61 suspected cases during that same time period, whilst the Amadeu Antonio Foundation names 194 fatalities and 12 suspected cases. For the victims of right-wing violence before 1990, there are no statistics.

Through texts and photographs, this publication dedicates itself to the families of the victims of racism and right-wing violence. It addresses the grieving of the bereaved alongside their struggle to regain their own dignity after being wrongly suspected, while recognizing the dead as victims of politically-motivated violence.

The presentation starts with a reading of individual texts by relatives that were created for the publication. After the conversation, food will be served by Lars Exit.

Ibrahim Arslan is a survivor of the racially motivated arson attack which took place in Mölln in 1992. He is an activist and an involved participator in the “Circle of Friends in Memory of the Racist Arson Attacks of Mölln 1992”, as well as an ambassador for democracy and tolerance.

Jasper Kettner lives as a freelance photographer in Berlin.

Heike Kleffner is a journalist and managing director of the Association of Counseling Centres for Victoms of Right, Racist and Anti-Semitic Violence (VBRG e.V.). She, along with Frank Jansen, has supervised the long-running research project “death toll of right-wing violence since 1990” for Tagesspiegel and ZEIT online.